Platy isn't right #1
I set up my tank in late Jan and did a fish-in cycle.
It's a 60L planted (now) tank.
6 Neon Tetras
1 female Betta
11 shrimp (cherry and sunset orange, small)
4 Platy, 3 female I male. I had to take my original male back as he was aggressive. I asked the store for another female but ended up with another male, the current one.
He's white (see-through-ish) with a mottled back tail fin.
I got the new male approx 2-3 weeks ago. He was fine, but a couple of weeks ago I noticed a small white lump on his chin. He was fine so didn't think anything of it. Then last week he started swimming bizarrely, as can be seen in the videos. He got stuck inside the bogwood and I had to gently pull him out by his tail fin as I thought it best.
I am new to fishkeeping and have no idea what could be wrong or what to do about it. He doesn't seem to be eating and is quite skinny.

fcmf fcmf
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  • Posted on: 13/4/2024 18:56
Re: Platy isn't right #2
In order to help us to advise you, we really need at the very minimum:
* readings from a liquid-based test kit for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates [plus a history of recent readings];
* your tank maintenance regime;
* photos or the video clip you refer to.
Once we have this, we can then advise further. :)