Abbreviations and acronyms explained
For speed we use a lot of abbreviations and acronyms. Here's a list of some of the more commonly used ones, please feel free to add your own if I've missed something important!
LFS- Local fish shop
Amm- Ammonia
NO2- NitrIte
NO3- NitrAte
CO2- Carbon dioxide
pH- Potential of hydrogen. A scale to measure the acidity/alkalinity of water
GH- General hardness. The concentration of dissolved magnesium and calcium in water
KH- Carbonate hardness. The buffering capacity of water, ie stability of pH.
SG- Specific gravity. The salinity of water. Only applies to brackish and marine set-ups.
RO- Reverse osmosis.
MTS- Malaysian trumpet snails
DCF- Dwarf clawed frog
WCMM- White cloud mountain minnows
NTD- Neon tetra disease
KHV- Koi herpes virus
UGF- Under gravel filter
PFK- Practical Fishkeeping (magazine)