10 great community fish - suggested by PFK
Common name: Chain loach
Scientific name: yasuhikotakia sidthimunki.
origin: laos and Thailand.
Size: Around 5cm/2"
water: pH 6.0-8.0.26c/79f
Aquarium: A mid-water resident, this very peaceful, easy-to keep fish thrives in large groups. It feeds on Daphnia and cyclops. As a bonus, it is more active in the day than most other loaches.
Price: £5-£10, depending on size and availability.
Common name: Cherry barb
Scientific name: Puntius titteya.
origin: Sri Lanka, ut now masss-produced on fish farms.
Size: 5cm/2"
water: Ideally neutral or slightly soft and acidic.
Aquarium: Although juvinile and females are quite drab, good feeding sees males turn brick-red.
keep in a mixed-sex groups of at least six in a planted tank with other peaceful species.
Price: £1-2, depending on size.
Common name: Glowlight tetra.
Scientific name: Hemigrammus erythrozonus
origin: South America.
Size: 3.5cm/1.5"
water: Soft, acidicwater, but will adapt to harder, more alkline conditions.
Aquarium: Planted tanks of 60x30x30cm/4", with plenty of free swimming space. keep in groups of five or more.
Price: £1.25.
Common name: Boesman's rainbow.
Scientific name: melanotaenia boesemani.
origin: Iran Jaya indonesia.
Size: Around 10cm/4"
water: pH 7.0-8.0, 26c/79f.
Aquarium: 75x38x38cm/30"x15x15" and over. Like the cherry barb, a good diet (bloodworm and colour foods) brings out their colour. Keep in small shoals of both sexes in medium and large planted aquaria. Perfect for the community- theses fish are stunning, asyto keep, peaceful and resistant to most diseases.
Price: Around a fiver.
Common name: Honey gourami.
Scientific name: Colisa chuna/sota.
origin: bangladesh, Nepal and india.
Size: About 7cm/2.5"
water: Generally better in neutral or soft water.
Aquarium: So very easy to keep and unlike some other gouramies, is made for the community. Just make sure you dont keep it with fin-nippers, like some of the tetras. This is an active fish that likes busy plant growth to hide in.
Price: Around £2 each
Common name: Emperor tetra.
Scientific name: Nematobrycon palmeri.
origin: Atrato and Sanjuan basins, columbia.
Size: 5cm/2"
water: Can be climatised to slightly alkaline conditions,but does best in softer, more acidic water, pH 6.0-7.0. needs excellent water conditions.
Aquarium: Very placid for a tetra.They look great in a small shoal against a backdrop of busy plants.
Price: Around £2
Common name: Golden barb.
Scientific name: Puntius semifaciolatus.
origin: Asia.
Size: 7.5cm/3"
water: Soft, acidic conditions, but can adapt to a wide range.
Aquarium: 6-x30x30cm/24"x12"x12" minimum, with plants and plenty of open swimming space.
Notes: A peaceful, colourful addition to the community. For best effect, keep in groups of five or more.
Accepts all the usual aaurium foods.
Price: About £ 1.25.
Common name: Zebra danio.
Scientific name: Danio rerio.
origin: pakistan,India,Bangladesh,Nepal and Myanmar.
Size: 6cm/2.5"
water: tolerates a wide pH range.
Aquarium: 60x30x30cm/24"x12"x12" is the minnimum size to accomodate this fast swimmer. As with many community fish, go for planted tanks but with plenty of open swimming space, Keep in groups of five or more.
Price: Around £1
Common name: Panda corydoras.
Scientific name: Corydorsa panda.
origin: The upper Amazon around Peru.
Size: up to 5cm/2"
water: neutral or soft water.
Aquarium: From 60x30x30cm/24"x12"x12" upwards. best kept in a group with a sandy substrate. One of the best cats available for the tropical tank.
Price: About A fiver.
Common name: Platy.
Scientific name: Xiphophorus maculatus.
origin: North and central America.
Size: 6cm/2", female are larger than males.
water: prefers meadium hard to slightly alkaline water, pH 7 and over.
Aquarium: 60x30x30cm/24"x12"x12"minimum. A live bearer that will breed readily in the community tank, but the fry may be eaten by the other fish unless the female is moved to a seperate tank before giving birth. otherwise provide plenty of plant growth to give the babies somewhere to hide. best kept in a ratio of one male to two or three females. Many colour forms are available.
Price: Around £1.50
Hope that gives you guys something to choose from