Re: Credit Crunch - Fishkeeping money saving tips
Home made Melafix & PimafixPosted this recently on exactly the same topic, bt if we having a thread....
Melafix Melafix is used to aid the healing process. It can help to regenerate open wounds, damaged fins, cloudy eyes and ulcers. Unlike most meds it won’t harm your biological filtration.
To make melafix all you need to do is buy distilled water and 'pure' tea tree oil. In melafix there is 1% tea tree oil to 99% distilled water. So simply add 1ml of ‘pure’ tea tree oil to every 100ml of distilled water.
This usually cost about £12 a bottle if bought pre-packaged from a LFS! As most essential oil bottles cost £3-4 and contain at least 5mls undiluted, that’s a lot of treatments!
PimafixUsing exactly the same process you can also create Pimafix by adding ‘pure’ 'West Indian bay oil'. Pimafix is particularly good at treating fungal and bacterial infections and will not harm your biological filtration.
I usually make up only a 100ml mixture at a time and then make more if/when needed. Once treatment is finished, the mixture needs to be thrown away of course.
Dose: 5mls of each treats 38 litres of tank water but please read the caveats below.
Caveats: • Distilled water only, available through your local pharmacy. Do not use tap water and extra added 02 required during treatment via air stone
• Only ‘pure’ essential oils, no additives at all, check the label and the source to be absolutely sure
• Make up small quantities, depending on the size of you tank, (I make up 100mls for a 180 litre tank initially) and just make more if needed after that
• Shake really, really well before dosing and only then add the treatment to a big jug of existing tank water to ensure good dilution, before adding to the main tank
• Do not store for more than 7 days
• The poster of this thread (i.e. me!), nor the FK website or any of it’s members/advisers are not held responsible for any adverse reactions/fish death that occurs from following this post, as this depends on many other aquaria aspects of course.