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Aquamarine2703 Aquamarine2703
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  • Posted on: 12/4/2012 14:57
Re: White cloud mountain minnow in pond? #11
I have decided to keep it a wildlife pond because we have lots of cute little tadpoles and even some smooth newts have arrived so i dont want to spoil my pond. Thanks for the help everyone though!
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  • Posted on: 16/3/2023 17:20
Re: White cloud mountain minnow in pond? #12
Hello, all,
Last year I was in a bit of a predicament when I had to get rid of my tank. It was cold water and full of white cloud minnows. It was springtime and we have been enjoying fairly warm temperatures in the UK. I search the web for evidence that you could keep white cloud minnows in a freshwater pond in the UK. Every article and every forum I read said that these fish would not survive the winter, especially if it were a particularly cold one. After doing my own research on their natural habitat I was fairly confident that they would make it. If not, they've just spent six months in a massive garden pond rather than a small aquarium. The group was split evenly into six normal colourations and six yellow colourations. We have had a particularly cold winter this year in London with heavy snow, on two occasions. At some point, the ice has been as thick as 2 to 3 inches covering the entire surface of the pond. My pond is about 80 cm at its deepest point, but mostly around 60 to 50 cm deep. This morning for the first time this year, I saw the score of white cloud minnows swimming about. I counted at least six in a group of mixed colour variations. I couldn't believe it. Having seen this with my own eyes and I believe that these fish are a lot harder than people give them credit for. I will be most interested in seeing if they breed, in which case they must be very happy living in the UK pond. I will keep this forum posted with my findings. If anyone needs some form of evidence before they try this themselves, don't hesitate to get in contact with me.
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  • Posted on: 16/3/2023 17:50
Re: White cloud mountain minnow in pond? #13

LTWCM wrote:
don't hesitate to get in contact with me.

Sorry to "rain on your parade" but the people you are "telling" have long gone (It happens in the world of forums) the post was made 11 years ago so they will never reply, and by the time someone finds this, I bet you too will have long gone (It's a forum thing) But as I suggested earlier, why not make your own thread (Don't hi-jack other peoples posts) and add pictures of your fish etc.

To save you making an error again, most forums have the date a post was made information under the name of the poster, in this case it was Aquamarine2703, and if you click on the name, it shows how many posts were made, in this case it was 3.
Germ1964 Germ1964
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  • Posted on: 15/7/2024 19:27
Re: White cloud mountain minnow in pond? #14
About three years ago, I put regular and gold WCMM into my pond in Worcestershire. The golds are still alive, and the pond has frozen over, but there is a lot of planting. The sides of the pond are insulated with polystyrene tiles to prevent too much freezing, as the sides are wooden and elevated about one foot above the ground.

The only disappointment was they had never had eggs, but the pond is loaded with newts, louse, and leeches which may have stopped that. It's now aerated and has a solar waterfall.
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  • Posted on: 15/7/2024 19:35
Re: White cloud mountain minnow in pond? #15
So, what are you saying? and who are you saying it to? The Original poster left the forum 10+ years ago.