Re: Mystery spots on Black Moor
Lovely fish. Given the duration of the spots and the fish otherwise seeming well, I think it's likely just part of how the fish is developing over time - my goldfish (when I kept them) and tropical fish (kept in more recent years) have each changed slightly in appearance over the course of their lives including specks on the caudal/tail fin and other characteristics. Unless the fish's behaviour changes or additional problems arise, then I wouldn't be concerned.
It is always important to ensure that water quality is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and <20 nitrates (or no more than 20 above tap water nitrate levels). If any of these are out of kilter, then the fish could display signs of the onset of an illness, so, and especially as the fish ages and is at risk of succumbing more quickly than when younger, it's definitely worth monitoring these regularly and it may be that larger and more frequent water changes have to be done.
Hope that helps.