Tinbum Tinbum
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  • Posted on: 9/4/2023 21:24
When is a cold tank not a cold tank? #1
Evening all, this is my first post.

I am a retired Cornish fisherman in my early fifties, and like many of my peers I have retired to the South of France.
A few weeks ago I got my daughter a small self contained tank with three guppies in it.
She loves it, I love it, and the guppies seem to love it!

This has reawakened the fish keeper within, 20-30 years ago I had a small tropical tank with a few fish in it. I watched it more than I watched tv.

So finally we get to my question: Our home has air source underfloor heating, the temperature never goes below 19°C in the winter, but in the height of Summer the house is usually around 25°C. I have sourced a bargain 180l tank with stand, light and filter, and I would to get love two or three fancy goldfish for it, maybe with some sort of small cleaners to keep things ship shape.
Is this too warm for some? What are my best options?

I do realise these are probably the wrong questions and I will be on a steep learning curve. Don’t worry about being straight with me, I am a couple of weeks from buying a live animal and want to get things right before I do.

Fishlady Fishlady
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  • Posted on: 11/4/2023 9:55
Re: When is a cold tank not a cold tank? #2

I don't think 25c short-term will be a problem, especially if you use additional aeration in the summer, but I would not let the tank temperature drop to 19c in winter as fancies can suffer digestion problems at lower temperatures. I would have a heater in the tank set to 22c.

Secondly, don't add "cleaners" - they rarely do anything other than add to the tank's bioload unnecessarily and most need warmer water and can be a risk to goldfish as they may suck onto them to eat their slime-coat. It's best if goldfish are kept only with their own kind.

Finally, for a 180L tank, I would stick to just two fancies.
Tinbum Tinbum
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  • Posted on: 11/4/2023 19:39
Re: When is a cold tank not a cold tank? #3
Thankyou, a heater is not an issue. I went to buy a snail for my daughter’s tank today. I swear the Ranchus were shouting to me to take them home😁