HELP! toddler rinsed big bubble wand in aquarium!
Just turned round for a second and my son had climbed up and rinsed his huge bubble wand in the aquarium water (the kind you blow bubbles outside with)
Is everyone doomed??
It’s 60l and I took almost all water out and replacing it now.
It’s well planted.
if everyone does which from reading online sounds like they might, have I go any hope of saving anything else? And how?
I also have a lot of shrimp.. are they doomed too?
how long does it actually take the fish to die of soap contamination?
Is there anything I can do to save them? It’s my sons bedtime in a mo as well!
Wait and then will all the plants die as well or if I manage to save them can I reuse them in another tank? Will I have to get rid of the substrate and the wood?