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lilylu lilylu
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  • Posted on: 5/2/2013 21:19
Re: 10 great community fish - suggested by PFK #51
Worst fish I ever had was a red tailed black shark. He was quite a character but he used to bully the other fish something terrible.
Best fish ever was a pair of Colisa lalia, the dwarf gourami. They were lovely to watch playing around like two little love birds and building a nest. Unfortunatly I didn't know at the time how to treat the fry properly and so it all got eaten.
Lilylu frm Skye
IckleFish IckleFish
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  • Posted on: 22/2/2013 16:48
Re: 10 great community fish - by PFK #52
Worst fish i ever got and was told they were peaceful community fish and would cause no bother were Kribensis. 2 weeks after being in my tank they were out again. They spawned and took out a few of my guppies in defence of the eggs which I cant blame them for but they were quite boistrous even when not spawning.
ruth78 ruth78
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  • Posted on: 28/3/2017 0:09
Re: 10 great community fish - suggested by PFK #53
I had the same with my kribensis. I got two female and the guppies started being killed. Had to empty the tank to get one of them out (thank juwel with your secret hidyhole in the filter bottom). Got rid of them and then the moonlight gouramis matured and started ripping the guppies to shreds.
nathangoudie nathangoudie
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  • Posted on: 28/3/2017 7:08
Re: 10 great community fish - suggested by PFK #54

Seeing that you guys are having problems with aggression. Please keep in mind that almost 99% of cichlids are like that.

They're generally peaceful but they do need space for themselves!

The fact that your fish are attacking others means your tank is way too small and there's not enough hiding place/decoration to break their sight.
- Gruppies when attack will go far away from the nest... but the tank is too small to go far away so they get killed.
- There's not enough hiding place or decoration to mark clear territory so the fish think the whole tank is for themselves.

This is one of the main reasons people here always stressed out tank size is very very important even for a fish that seems small.
kevb123 kevb123
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  • Posted on: 19/10/2017 0:46
Re: 10 great community fish - suggested by PFK #55
i've got:-
Cupid Cichlids
Rummynose Tetras
Black Phantom Tetras
Corydoras C048 catfish
Port Hoplo Catfish
Bristlenose Plecs
Kuhli Loaches
female Ocellated Kribensis
clown loaches
neon blue rams
cardinal tetras
silver tips
honey gournami
and they all get along great.

had 2 pearl gournamis though that got an asbo and had to go.