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Ickl Devil Ickl Devil
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  • Posted on: 31/7/2008 17:05
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication - desperate help needed #41
Coralline Coralline
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  • Posted on: 31/7/2008 17:29
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication - desperate help needed #42
just read through your thread a bit, noticed you mention the revitaliser tonic, this wont be the right kind of salts. so i think if you have killed off any whitespot its with the heat.
how are the fish looking today?
could you find some esha exit online maybe? you may be able to get some delivered and just keep the heat up til it arrives? will be useful to keep in anyway.

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Ickl Devil Ickl Devil
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  • Posted on: 31/7/2008 17:35
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication - desperate help needed #43
I've had to lower temp as my clown was really suffering. HE'S BACK THOUGH and looking good

The flippin white spot hasn't been killed though - one of my corys has a spot on his side, my SFF has one on his tail and the other clown has a big one on his dorsal fin. Any chance it could be something else??

I've tried 2 more stores today and none sell Esha Exit. Going to another tonight and if all else fails will buy on-line. Have Protozin in but want to follow LHG's advice as best I can.

(New clowns I'm getting Saturday are having HUGE quarantine period!!!). That's what's done this, because I didn't know about quarantining.
TetraLinz TetraLinz
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  • Posted on: 31/7/2008 17:46
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication - desperate help needed #44
I'm glad to hear he's back to colour. Sounds like it's time for meds though.

Fingers crossed for you
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cathie cathie
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  • Posted on: 31/7/2008 17:53
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication - desperate help needed #45
The flippin white spot hasn't been killed though - one of my corys has a spot on his side, my SFF has one on his tail and the other clown has a big one on his dorsal fin. Any chance it could be something else??

Can you post pics of them, hard to say whether it's anything else without?

also - not whitespot related, and you may already know this one, but there is a lovely video of clown loaches linked in the middle of the article ~HERE~
EagleC EagleC
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  • Posted on: 31/7/2008 19:03
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication - desperate help needed #46
Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier Ickl, work has been pretty heavy and my email alerts didn't turn up for this thread! (best excuse I can find, sorry )

I'm glad the clowns got his colour back, pretty sure that demonstrates he doesn't like the heat. Although the 0.1 ammonia would have agrivated his respitory problems during this time. Perhaps in a more mature tank he'd have faired better.

The 6F wouldn't have done them any favours, the stress caused will have given the ich an opening to outbreak again but at least now you'll remember now "When doing a water changes the new water must be within a few degrees of the tank water temperature"

30% is what I would class as a large change. 10% a small change and 50% and emergency change. Continue to change 15-20% a day, but do it carefully (right temperature, dont forget the dechlorinator) as this will get rid of that nasty ammonia and also remove 20% of the freeswimming ich each day.

Finally, we need some pictures to give you an idea if its ich or not but in the mean time get hold of the medication anyway.

Here's a good photo reference if you want to try to find a match : http://www.jbl.de/onlinehospitaluk/perpicture/
Ickl Devil Ickl Devil
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  • Posted on: 31/7/2008 20:57
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication - desperate help needed #47
Thanks. Gonna check those links and get the Esha Exit on line. I've done a 20% water change, added warm and cold at same time this time so only minor temp fluct 2deg at most. Added stress coat and stress zyme again.

Ran tests again (did em before picked up your responce of water change) My PH seems to have dropped marginally and my amonia has gone up marginally.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I did 30% change yesterday. Is it the stress coat or stress zyme I'm putting in?? I thought they helped.

Gonna give an hour and do tests again.
crazychris crazychris
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  • Posted on: 26/10/2008 9:44
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication - desperate help needed #48
Just read this thread. I've always treated clown loaches with the normal daily dose of Protozin and never lost one from it.
splashandcarry splashandcarry
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  • Posted on: 20/12/2008 21:01
Re: Clown Loach & Waterlife Medication #49
I had a customer a few weeks ago who had treated full dose Waterlife Octozin and killed his clowns. I think Sera Protazol is very effective its "safe" for clown loaches or so im told, can be used for dipping and also kills the white spot parasite whilst in its capsule form. I wonder if sera have a similar product for protazin

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