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TheLeprechaun TheLeprechaun
  • Just popping in
  • Just popping in
  • Posted on: 5/9/2024 14:37
Re: hujeta gars A.K.A. rocket gar #1
Hey bro I had my hujeta gar he’s about ten years old in a predator tank. My arowana was fine with him till one day he snapped. I have a community tank it’s well planted and has three discus in their as well as Mollys. Recently I put a peacock bass and a red tailed catfish and a bichir in their just till they get big enough for my predator tank. Everyone is doing very well together I feed them frozen shrimp and frozen fish I thaw out. I talked to a guy that got JUMBO
CARNISTICKS Hikani makes them

My Hujeta eats those carnisticks I break them in half. They have more nutrients then a goldfish and parasite free. He has been eating these a stick sometimes two a day strongly suggest giving these a try.

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