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Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 4/11/2024 17:55
One light or two ? #1
Hi. I've recently purchased the Ciano emotions pro 60. It seems like a pretty good tank for the money. I've planted some vallis gigantea, some monte carlo and lots of sagittaria subulata. I've replaced the white led that came with the tank with the ciano EN pro plant led.
I've had plant led lights before but they've always had some element of white light in them to go with the plant spectrum colours. But this one just has the blue and red. It looks odd when it's on on its own. Am I supposed to put the original led on ASWELL as the plant one ?

Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 7/9/2022 15:51
Emmersed plants for shallow tank. #2
Just ordered my new shallow from ND Aquatics. It's 90cm long x 40 cm wide x 22 cm, braceless, opti white glass with clear sealant. It's my first custom built tank and I'm a bit like a kid on Christmas eve. It's going to be a long four weeks wait....
Anyway, I'm not completely sure of the hardscape yet, but I know I'll have either driftwood or some form of stone, breaking the surface in certain places. I'm looking for idea's for large (10 inc plus) emmersed plants that don't necessarily need planting in the substrate. Nothing too demanding. Il have some natural light coming in above the tank, not direct though. I'll have one LED spotlight lighting the tank so, depending on the plants lighting requirements, I can put the spotlight directly over the plants or have it more towards the opposite end of the tank. I won't be using any co2 atm.

Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 8/8/2022 16:47
Re: Lambchop #3
Thanks Fishlady. I'm happy to have them there for a while but obviously don't want them inbreeding.

Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 7/8/2022 18:36
Lambchop's and Fry's #4
My Lambchop/False harlequin rasboras have bred for the second time in a couple of months. The first time only one fry survived and it was about 6 weeks old when it jumped out of the tank during a weekly water change. Unfortunately I didn't realise until a few hours later.
I've spotted about 5/6 fry. They look a few days old at the most. Really hard to see.
I'm struggling for room for a seperate fry tank. Do the adults of this species eat their young?
Supposing the fry survive, how long can they stay in the main tank before they reach sexual maturity ?

Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 21/9/2021 12:34
Re: Limited options #5
Great. Hopefully could be adding some livestock on Sunday all being good.
What is the largest water change you'd recommend doing to lowere nitrates before adding fish ?
And if, for arguments sake, it's 80%, is it best to do one 80% water change or two 40% changes ?

Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 19/9/2021 17:19
Re: Limited options #6
Right...My ammonia levels are 4 ppm in 24 hours. Has been since beginning of the last week. How long roughly for my nitrite to reach zero in 24 hours of adding ammonia?

Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 4/9/2021 17:37
Re: Limited options #7
Thanks. Wanted a natural look rathe than 'scaped to within an inch of its life' look.
Quick question. The tank is open top. I was going to add a plastic cover but the redroot comes above the height of the tank so I can't fit one under the light. So, I'm loosing some volume every day. The redroot has java moss attached to it and various places and a couple of those places are now out of the water as the level has dropped.
Can I add fresh water to a cycling tank ? Can I test the ammonia after adding fresh and then dose accordingly to take it back up to 4 ppm, which is what I'm cycling at ?

Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 3/9/2021 12:46
Re: Limited options #8
Not yet. Waiting for test kit to be delivered. Haven't had a tank set up for nearly 4 years so last kit was well out of date.

This is the tank after a week cycling. Plenty of brown algae and some big, white bacterial bloom on the one piece of redroot on the right. The piece on the left was only added last night.

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Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 3/9/2021 5:54
Re: Limited options #9
Thanks Fishlady. But isn't my ph of 7.8 a bit high for Otocinclus?

Neil32 Neil32
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Not too shy to talk
  • Posted on: 30/8/2021 21:34
Limited options #10
Got a small (just over 11 gallon) tank cycling with redmoor root, rocks, Java moss, salvinia, Java fern and micranthemum monte carlo. Looking to get 6-8 Chile rasborahs and a ram once cycle is complete in a few weeks. Lots of brown algae atm but I know from past experience that this is part and parcel of the nitrogen cycle.
Obviously proper feeding regime, fasting day once a week and weekly water changes will be the order of the day once tank is stocked to keep water parameters in the right area. But I would still like some sort of cleaning crew.
Apparently, my water is no good for snail's or shrimp, being as soft as it gets at around 3.3°dh. Plus I don't have the capacity for a group of dwarf corydoras.
Do I have any other options available to me ?

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