Re: Penguin tetra at surface of tank and with red showing on body
When you say you were due a change of filter sponges, can you elaborate? Is this a filter with cartridge system sponges with e.g. carbon in, or are they ordinary sponges? Carbon sponges do become exhausted and have to be changed frequently - but really there is no need for routine carbon unless e.g. your water is getting stained by tannins from bogwood and you don't like the colour - you could save carbon sponge for use only if e.g. you need to remove medication and use the space for an ordinary sponge.
If this is just an ordinary sponge, normally you would not change it until it looks worn out and might start to break down - and at that stage you can change it if it is not the only sponge. If it is the only sponge you should cut in half and change the second half a few weeks later. When the sponge starts to look clogged you should just rinse it out a bit in old tank water when doing a water change, then put it back in filter.
It is disappointing but not unusual when shop fails to give proper advice