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ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 26/8/2015 21:10
Re: Moving fantails from indoor to outdoors #1
I have heard of people keeping fancy goldfish outside during the summer, but really they cant survive outside in the winter. If the tank cant hold much water then get yourself the biggest plastic container you can find, they normally have 80 or 90 litre ones in B&Q, they're not very expensive. Put the fish and the filter into that until you can find a new home for them.

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 2/11/2014 20:53
Re: Just being curious - how long do you have the light on on your fishtank #2
I have a planted gold fish tank as well. I live in a basement flat so very little natural light. I have the lights on for 8 hours, 1pm till 9pm. I use LEDs which seem to be enough for the plants.

I feed my fish two to three times a day depending when Im at home, between 7 and 9 in the morning depending on if Im working or not. 2pm and then at around 7 in the evening.

I feed them pellets morning and evening and frozen food at lunch time, blood worms of daphnia one day, home made veggie pellets the next.

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 2/11/2014 20:44
Re: Shrimp in a goldfish tank? #3
I have successfully kept malaysian trumpet snails with goldfish. No problems at all they bred prolifically , had a clear out a month ago sold 50. Left 10 in the tank. Theyre are brilliant at helping to keep the tank clean and the fish show no interest in them at all. Wouldnt want to put shrimps in with them though.

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 28/1/2014 22:45
Re: High levels of nitrite and ammonia #4
If you want little fish you need to go tropical. I know that having your lights on for too long can heat up the water which can lead to a drop in oxygen saturation. In such a small tank this could have an effect. But ultimately, if you want goldfish you need a bigger tank. You could try going back to the shop, if they sold you the tank when you bought the fish, just start mentioning Trading Standards and the selling of goods not fit for purpose. Be assertive and dont let them talk you down and they should take the fish and the tank back.

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 28/1/2014 22:17
Re: High levels of nitrite and ammonia #5
The moors are quite big fish then! Were they that big when you bought them? If so thats terrible advice. To put it in to perspective, I change out 60L a week when I do my water changes for three fish that are about 3" at the moment. I hope you can get a bigger tank sorted it would be a same to loose your fish.

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 28/1/2014 21:59
Re: High levels of nitrite and ammonia #6
Im not an expert compared to many other members but, your tank is WAY too small for three gold fish. I have three a moor, telescope eye and a fantail. They are in a 190L tank with an external filter. Weve had them a month now and theyve probably grown half an inch already. Im hoping that the tank will be big enough for them when they are fully grown but that might not be the case and we will need to up grade. Goldfish grow very quickly 60L isnt big enough for one let alone three, you just wont be able to keep the water clean enough and there isnt enough room for them. To help them you need to get a bigger tank as soon as you can until then water changes as often as you can to keep ammonia levels down ( Ammonia needs to be 0 to be safe) and read as much as you can about looking after goldfish, they can live as long as a dog if looked after properly so need an equal amount of commitment and care.

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 21/1/2014 17:28
Re: Fishless cycling....again #7
It took nearly seven weeks for my tank to cycle. Nitrite was off the scale until the last day, then it just went blue. Left it a week before we put fish in just added a couple of mls of ammonia a day to keep it going, and then all fine since we added the fish. I know how you feel but it just takes patients

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 12/1/2014 18:12
Re: Some advice needed about fishless cycling please! #8
I used ammonia form a company called MAX Power, I got it from my local hardware shop in the cleaning products section. You can also find it on line. I emailed the company to find out if it was safe to use for cycling fish tanks first.

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 12/1/2014 18:08
Re: Looking for snails (MTS) #9
Thanks, after messaging practically every seller on ebay Ive found someone whos going to send me some big ones. Will keep you in mind for the future though if they dont make it!

ladyamelia ladyamelia
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  • Posted on: 10/1/2014 19:06
Looking for snails (MTS) #10
Im trying to source some larger sized Malaysian Trumpet snails. Im looking for bigger ones so that my goldies dont eat them. The fish are about 3" at the mo so want snails over 1.5cm ideally. Have had a look on ebay and found someone who said they had 1 and 2cm snails but wouldnt send them during the holidays. So I said Id order some after the new year but the guy is no longer selling on ebay and havent been able to find anyone else with snails the size Im looking for. Dont want to buy tiny ones that are just going to get eaten.

So does anyone know where I could get some bigger snails?

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