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Re: Swimbladder Answers

Subject: Re: Swimbladder Answers
by Venus on 26/4/2009 20:50:24

Goldfish are bred for shallow ponds with plenty of surface area. Aquariums are designed for tropical fish, not goldfish.

Goldfish that exhibit uncontrolled swimming; flipping over, or floating issues may be affected from the volume of water weight above it. Before medicating, try lowering the water table in your tank until the goldfish is able to right itself. Less depth, more surface area is what these affected goldfish need. Quite simple really.

Some goldfish are more sensitive than others and prone to flipping over while others remain unaffected.

Increasing surface action is also beneficial.

See my article on 'Floating Disorders'
[linked deleted by admin due to poor information]
Best of luck, Venus