Betta fish emergency - please help! |
Subject: Betta fish emergency - please help! by st3f2022 on 4/12/2023 20:02:48 Hi all, Have just found my betta in the state as per the photo attached. He was absolutely fine yesterday. I was vacuuming up doing a water change just now and spotted him lying on gravel in and amongst some plants, barely moving. I don't know if some shrimp were on him and were beginning to eat his fins, and he was injured from something else. Or if the damage to his fins is related to what has caused him to be in this state. No idea what's done the damage. He's still alive but weak. Only thing that has changed in the tank recently is the addition of a second pearl gourami, a couple of extra black phantoms and some dwarf rainbow fish. They arrived on Saturday, and there was no sign of aggressive behaviour from any of them towards the betta, who has been established for a good while. Any clues? What can I do to give him the best chance of survival? Many thanks!! |