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Re: Freshwater aquarium - many fish batches dead, LFS keeps claiming that water is perfect

Subject: Re: Freshwater aquarium - many fish batches dead, LFS keeps claiming that water is perfect
by golovorub on 4/11/2018 19:28:46

Last fish died today...
Did the water change yesterday, Ammonia and Nitrites are both 0. Before adding new water, added conditioner to it, made sure that the temperature matches the one in aquarium (79).

This week will try the ammonia cycle method, to check if it was indeed the problem.
What's suspicious, that while testing the water, I never saw the Ammonia/Nitrites rising, while Nitrates were very slowly rising to 30-40.

What should I do if added Ammonia gets transformed immediately to Nitrates? What else could be the problem?