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Re: HELP! Koi has mouth rot. HELP!

Subject: Re: HELP! Koi has mouth rot. HELP!
by fcmf on 17/6/2018 19:41:02

Sorry that no-one has responded before now. I'm not familiar with ponds or koi health, having had no direct experience with them. I might have suggested isolating the fish (if you had a container big enough plus a filter) and treating with a wide-spectrum treatment like eSHa 2000 or Waterlife Myxazin, although a quick google search suggested a number of alternative options. However, it sounds as though unfortunately the fish wouldn't have made it, even if you had tried what I might have suggested or anything else, given that the bone was affected. Sorry for your loss but it sounds as though euthanasia was the kindest mode of action under the circumstances.