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Sick goldfish - red streaks in tail and slight swelling

Subject: Sick goldfish - red streaks in tail and slight swelling
by xNina on 18/1/2017 5:15:57


I am seeking some help on my poor sick goldfish :( recently, I noticed my goldfish has some red streaks on its tail. It stays at the bottle for the whole day and only gets up when it's time to eat. When he does get up and swim around, he goes "crazy" and just swims really fast around the tank like he's in big pain. This happened a little over a month ago. There was a red puffy bump on the side of his body near the tail. We treated it with Tetra Lifeguard all in one bacterial and fungus treatment. It got better. Now, it looks like the same thing is happening. The tail and the end of his body is getting red. We have been treating it with the same thing. It has been 2 days since we have been treating him with it. Also, a good thing to mention is that he has been like this for almost a week, and it seems to have not gotten better nor worse. He is in a 10 gallon tank with 2 other goldfish. We have had him for 4-5 years. Please help! I hate seeing the little guy suffer.