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Re: What is the Most Humane Way to Euthanize a Fish?

Subject: Re: What is the Most Humane Way to Euthanize a Fish?
by Wurzel on 1/7/2007 23:09:30

There is an alternative method for euthanasia of fish that i picked up whilst working at the london aquarium. If a fish is that ill that it will not survive or in some cases if the disease does not respond to treatment and is highly infectious it may have to be culled to save suffering. Simply place the fish in a container large enough to support the fish for a couple of hours and place this container in the freezer. as the water cools the fishes central nervous system begins to slow down and the fishes enters a hibernation like sleep state. The fish, then unconcious then dies in its hibernation like state with minimal stress. This is merely an alternative method for times when clove oil may not be availiable.