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Post-op Winston

Subject: Post-op Winston
by Miss Dorsal on 13/2/2015 23:11:22

Winston had a tumour removed yesterday. He's taken the whole thing well and seems to be fine today. The problem is dressing his wound. The vet prescribed Orabase to cover the wound, for anyone who doesn't know this is paste that adheres to moist areas. I'm having trouble applying it and it doesn't stay on very long. I recovered the wound this morning, but it's now uncovered again. It's difficult to apply because it doesn't seem to stick too him well, unless I'm doing something wrong. It also means I have to lift him out of the tank and place him in a shallow tub. Which obviously is distressing for him.

Does anyone have any advice on this?

Another issue is the Ceftazidime injection. I don't own a freezer anymore and the Ceftazidime is supposed to be frozen.