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Re: New stock

Subject: Re: New stock
by nathangoudie on 3/5/2013 18:39:19

I've heard that that site has some problem with tank capacity

The stocking rule I metioned is used by most people here.

I understand that your tank has a good filter but bacteria do require certain volume of water to support certain amount. Also bacteria use chemicals (kH) in water to turn NH3 to NO3, that's why we do water change and with more stock, the water will become more unstable.
The rule 2.5cm adult length per 4.5l of water is use for both fish swimming space and keeping the water stable.

Your tank could go a little over-stock with 8 cherry barbs but it's definitely not a good idea to have anything more.
However it's your decision

The site you're using gave some serious wrong information sometimes. We'll see what other will say about this