Re: White cloud mountain minnow in pond? |
Subject: Re: White cloud mountain minnow in pond? by 2010 on 16/3/2023 17:50:05 Quote:
Sorry to "rain on your parade" but the people you are "telling" have long gone (It happens in the world of forums) the post was made 11 years ago so they will never reply, and by the time someone finds this, I bet you too will have long gone (It's a forum thing) But as I suggested earlier, why not make your own thread (Don't hi-jack other peoples posts) and add pictures of your fish etc. To save you making an error again, most forums have the date a post was made information under the name of the poster, in this case it was Aquamarine2703, and if you click on the name, it shows how many posts were made, in this case it was 3. |