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Re: hujeta gars A.K.A. rocket gar

Subject: Re: hujeta gars A.K.A. rocket gar
by Anon on 7/4/2010 18:14:03

They are lovely fish I know. Without wishing to sound patronising, but it is not your fault. The LFS should be giving the correct advise to you before you buy them. But like so many shops these days, all they care about is getting stock in, getting stock out, ching ching, money in the till. Then when problems arise you go back to them and they sell you a remedy you don't need. This becomes a vicious cycle, and sadly its the fish that suffer. I wish you all the best with getting them rehomed, ring around a few of the local public aquaria, and see if they know of anybody who may take them. Ditto the Checkerboard...
