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Re: Pregnant Amano

Subject: Re: Pregnant Amano
by EagleC on 9/7/2009 11:12:13

At some point a male will fertilize the eggs she is carrying under her belly and she will then shake them out into the water. The fish will then go mental eating all the eggs as quickly as possible and if you have large fish there is a chance that the female will get injured during this. Not much you can do about it.

In nature the eggs would then be carried downstream into salted water.
The eggs would hatch when the salinity is right and the fry would then start a swim back upstream from the brackish waters. By the time they mature and can no longer tolerate the salt levels they will be safely back in fresh waters.

The theory to breeding them is to keep the female and male in a small quarantine tank with air powered sponge filter. When the female shakes the eggs loose you move the shrimp out so they don't eat the eggs and increase the salinity in the tank using water changes with marine salts very slowly each day.
When the eggs hatch you need some microfeed for them (liquifry no1 perhaps?) and you slowly reduce the salinity with freshwater changes over time. When they are grown up to a size big enough to survive the main aquarium you can move them across or try selling them perhaps.

I've never actually tried breeding the amano shrimp, I just let the fish have the eggs.