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thought i would share with you some of my amphibs...

Subject: thought i would share with you some of my amphibs...
by m4r14j on 16/6/2009 23:44:27

i have 4 firebelly toads and 1 pacman frog...

they were all rescues, i have a passion for tank building and the whole environmental enrichment thing so i was buidling a semi aqautic FBT tank for a long time and it actually made a nice room feature for 1 year even empty of pets! then i got a call about some firebellies and said i would take them in... when i got there i was greeted with firebellies AND PACMAN! not part of the deal but hey - so off i trundle home with 5 frogs instead of 4 and 1 species i hadnt planned for...

heres some pics:

the day i bought them home (blurry but cute pic)