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more jewel fry!!

Subject: more jewel fry!!
by learntoswin on 8/3/2008 10:29:35

you may remember that a little while ago i had 2 jewels in a 2 foot tank and they decided to breed
after investing in a new seabray 4 foot tank i moved the fry and adults in and decorated it with slate and all was good .... fry are still healthy and the water quality is sorting it's self out
came home from work yesterday to find the female chasing away her fry and as she has been a great mother this seemed a little odd, further investigation was required and when i looked she is protecting a little bit of flat slate near the bottom of the tank. On the slate is a perfect circle of eggs... hard to count them but looks like there is hundreds... mrs learntoswin said and i quote " you are not having another ******** tank to keep them in"
is divorce a viable option or will they be ok in the tank with the juvaniles LOL
i'm hoping that someone will tell me that all the eggs will not hatch