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Re: 5 fish dead and I don't know what to do

Subject: Re: 5 fish dead and I don't know what to do
by EagleC on 22/5/2010 21:23:52

The blood vessels can be a symptom of several problems including high nitrate or nitrite, poisoning, suffocation and/or septicaemia (blood poisoning/systemic bacterial infection). At this stage water changes are the right thing to do but I'd be very careful about big changes like that. It can cause thermal or osmotic shock.

Test the water kit on your tap water. You can compare this to the printed reports from your water company. They're normally on a website but if not then you can call them for the details. If it's not close then something is wrong - and it's more likely to be your kit that theirs. It's probably worth taking a water sample from the pond to the lfs and paying them the 50p or whatever they charge to test ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph for you.