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Re: fish deaths

Subject: Re: fish deaths
by Pixie on 25/8/2004 15:55:20

Sorry to hear about your fishes.
Did you notice any change of behaviour or swimming patterns before they died?
Sometimes freshly imported fish (especially from China I hear) suffer from gill bacterial infections which you cannot really see with the naked eye. They are infectious.
So maybe get one fish to start with and if it is fine after 2-4 weeks, get him a friend.

On the other hand, you said you cleaned the tank 'well' after the death of your Ryukin. If you completely changed the water and taken out everything, it is like starting a new tank again in which case it should ideally be cycled first (something you can learn a lot about from this site as Chloe rightly mentioned).

How big is your tank?
If it was not cycled (after the thorough clean-out) the chances are that toxins may have accumulated after a week or so.

As fishyfeet mentioned, adding live bacteria helps a lot.
I use Stress Zyme (Aquarium Pharmauceticals) and find it very good. Although myself I did not cycle my new tank properly, I never had significant water quality problems when using this stuff together with Stress Coat and salt.
(That is not to encourage you not to cycle the tank).

By the way, I often feel like buying sick fish from a shop wanting to save them... You've done well with your one-eyed flippy fishy!