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Re: Completely Upset

Subject: Re: Completely Upset
by Pixie on 25/8/2004 12:29:25

Fishyfeet is right. You should feed goldfish twice a day or even once a day when they get older. How big are your fishes?

Also I noticed you wrote:
all my tests come back normal, the ammo is a tad bit higher than normal

What do you actually mean by 'normal' and 'a bit higher'?
Ammonia should always be 0, nitrite less than 0.3mg/l and nitrate below 50, preferably under 25.
If you are overfeeding nitrite may be high.

Maybe you could give us your readings so that we are able to see better what is happening?

How are Paxil and Xanax and what does the tank look like today?