Zebra Hermit Crab
Alternative Name(s): Left Handed Hermit Crab / Hawaiian Zebra Hermit Crab
Scientific Name(s): Calcinus laevimanus
Category: Marine Invertebrate
Maximum Size: 4cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 75 litres
Minimum Tank Size: n/a
Water Temperature Range: 22-27°C

General Information: Has black and white banded legs, orange and sky-blue eyestalks with orange antennae. Left claw is 1 1/2 times larger than the right. The Zebra Hermit Crab will use its enlarged front claw to block the entrance to its shell after the crab has withdrawn inside. It originates from the Indo-Pacific area and intertidal zones from Africa, Australia, Hawaii and Japan. Diogenidae Family.
Tank Requirements: See Minimum Tank Volume and Minimum Tank Size above
Diet Requirements: Herbivore - algae (green hair), cyanobacteria and detritus. If there is insufficient algae to eat, their diet must be supplemented with seaweed.
Compatibility: Reef Safe. Semi-aggressive toward other tankmates. Will attack and kill snails and other hermit crabs for their shells.
Recommendations: Provide an ample number of empty shells of various sizes. A hermit crab will moult from its exoskeleton in order to grow. Useful addition for its sand sifting.
Common Problems: None.
Similar Species: Hawaiian Whitefoot Hermit Crab, Orangeclaw Hermit Crab
Sexing: There are no distinguishing characteristics to help differentiate males from females.
Breeding: Breeding in an aquarium is extremely difficult.
Author(s): Fishlady | Photo: | Views: 24255
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