Common Goldfish
Alternative Name(s): Gibel
Scientific Name(s): Carassius auratus
Category: Coldwater
Maximum Size: 30cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 180 litres
Minimum Tank Size: 4ft
Water Temperature Range: 18-22°C
Water pH Range: 6.5-8.5
Water Hardness Range: 6-16 dGH

General Information: The Common Goldfish is closely related to the Crucian Carp (Carassius carassius) and can live for 10+ years. They are quite messy fish and given correct conditions can grow very large, usually around 20cm/8inches in a tank although up to 30cm/12inches in a pond where they are best kept once they get to about 5 inches/13cm.
Tank Requirements: It is not true that they only grow to the size of their tank. They will more likely become stunted and not live as long when kept in small tanks.
Diet Requirements: Usually their diet consists of goldfish flakes or pellets. As a treat you might also like to offer some frozen foods such as daphnia, bloodworms or maybe a couple of squashed frozen peas.
Compatibility: Weather Loaches, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, are a nice choice as long as you have a tank of 4 feet long or more. They are peaceful, a little unusual, very placid and mix without problems.
Recommendations: Best not to keep with Fancy Goldfish like Fantails as Common/Single Tail Goldfish are faster swimmers. Their darting about can stress their Fancy cousins. Best suited to garden ponds.
Common Problems: Poisoning due to being kept in uncycled tanks and stunting due to being kept in small tanks/ponds.
Similar Species: Orf, Koi.
Sexing: Males have white spots on their gill plates and front edge of pectoral fins: breeding tubercles. These should not be confused with the disease white spot. Females develop a deeper body and have a larger vent (just before the anal fin) than the males.
Breeding: Will breed readily during the late Spring and Summer months when kept in a pond. Parents will eat their own eggs and fry so they best removed if kept in a tank.
Author(s): Goldy, Violet, Fishlady | Photo: Goldy | Views: 66828
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  • Not too shy to talk

 High Nitrate Levels

I live in London where the tap water has high Nitrate levels. I counter this with frequent water changes and am currently running an additional PF2 power filter in my tank, fitted with a Nitrate filter sponge. I have ordered some Pothos plants which I intend to grow hydroponically in the tank to absorb Nitrates. Any other ideas?? Please advise if you can. Thanks, Brian Montague

  • Tropical Moderator

 Re: High Nitrate Levels

The best solution is to remove nitrates from the tap water before it ever goes into the tank. Otherwise you are adding to the nitrate level when you do a water change. See the post about FK members' discount on Pozzani nitrate filters in the Member's Lounge. For more information on nitrate control read this article.

  • Not too shy to talk

 Re: High Nitrate Levels

Dear Fishlady, thanks for your advice. I emailed Pozzani and got a very helpful reply suggesting I get a Big Blue device fitted with a Nitrate rather than a chlorine filter and because I didn't want it plumbed in, they suggested a Hozelock attachment. So, this is what I'm going to do. I don't think I can get an FK discount as I can't get this combo online but hey, I'm delighted that they exist at all. Regards, Brian M

  • Tropical Moderator

 Re: High Nitrate Levels

Iff it's not too late and you do want to take advantage of the discount, have a look at this thread where one of our members (Brigitte) made an adapter to use the standard Pozzani unit without plumbing in. ... =ASC&type=&mode=0&start=0

  • Just popping in

 Got a fish and tank not suitable need advice


I stupidly bought a 14l marina tank and a goldfish ( It seems to be a comet ) I've had it about a month . I now know this tank is totally unsuited to the fish and am now getting another one . Can anyone give some advice as I am thinking about this one ... _trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 but have no idea what else I would need . Or can anyone recommend another good tank ?

  • Tropical Moderator

 Re: Got a fish and tank not suitable need advice


Looks like an excellent choice for goldfish and will allow you to stock a couple more over time. Filter, lights etc all built in so all you really need is some gravel, maybe some plants and decorations and a background for the tank.

Nice to see someone doing right by a goldie

If you need any more help, please post in the forums section as more people will see your posts there.

  • Just popping in

 New Tank but cold water!!!

Hello All,

I have a Goldfish I won it at a fair and they only provided me with a small travel sized carrier tank.

I actually won two fish orginally but one unfortunely passsed when placed in a 14L Tank and Im worried it might of been due to the amount of the water!!
As its winter at the moment my room gets pretty cold and i'm worried the large amount of water was too cold for it!

Would any one suggest i use a tank heater? since the passing of one i've put the other one back in the small travel tank but I wonder if it could be possibly stunting its growth & happiness.

any advice appreciated!

Thank you.

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