I just discovered that my adult hillstream loaches had mated in my 120 gallon tank. But never knew there were actually babies in my filteration systems until i was cleaning out one of the canisters and discovered one baby so it made look in the my other one and there were more inside it too. had to fire up my 10 gallon and put them in there cause my other fish in my 120 gallon would eat them. but i am at a lost cause I have no idea on what to feed baby hillstream loaches.
Goodness I have heard of them breeding in a goldfish tank before but you are the first on here so well done as for feeding them, which do you have do you know, some need the little goodies that grow on algae but others eat flakes too, any idea how old they may be not sure what to advise food wise but possibly the same food you would feed most fry like brineshrimp, liquifry and first bites by Hikari are good, take a look at loaches online as they have more information on hillstream and possibly a feeding Guide for fry, Good luck and please let us know how you get on
My Hillstream Loach (Cheni) produced 5 babies 5 weeks ago, 3 have survived and are doing very well.
I got some gr8 advice off here, but also off loaches online. A very knowledgeable chap advised me they would be fine left in with parents, and would graze off algae in tank then move onto the wafers that go in for mum and dad. This has worked well, plus they now adore half a grape (thanks for that Violet!).
I lost another baby in september 2011, but remaining 2 are fine and appear to be thriving. They are in the 90 litre tank now with mum and dad, plus some wcmm - all getting on nicely together.
The babies have grown so much, but are still small at the side of mum and dad.
Help Baby Hillstream Loaches