Steel Blue Killifish
Alternative Name(s): Blue Lyretail Killifish
Scientific Name(s): Fundulopanchax gardneri gardneri
Category: Tropical
Maximum Size: 6cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 45 litres
Minimum Tank Size: 18" x 12" x 12"
Water Temperature Range: 23-26°C
Water pH Range: 6.0-7.5
Water Hardness Range: 2-12 dGH

General Information: Small brightly coloured non-annual Killifish from Cameroon and Nigeria. The Steel Blue Killi's natural habitat includes streams and ponds in rainforest areas and the savannah. An easy first Killi with the advantage that as a non-annual it has a lifespan of up to three years.
Tank Requirements: Tank should preferably have a dark substrate with ample bogwood hiding places and heavy planting. Surface plants to diffuse the light are appreciated.
Diet Requirements: Most foods are accepted including good quality flake, algae wafers and sinking pellets, but these must be augmented with small live/frozen foods - daphnia, brineshrimp, bloodworm which are relished.
Compatibility: Can be kept in community with caution - best combined with Corydoras, peaceful Dwarf Cichlids and Loraciids. 2-3 females per male to reduce harassment. Only 1 male per tank if less than 36" long. Can be very aggressive with small, slow moving fish and has a surprisingly large mouth for its size.
Recommendations: Tank needs a tight lid/cover-glass as these fish will jump!
Common Problems: No specific problems other than male/male aggression in smaller tanks.
Similar Species: Other varietes of Fundulopanchax gardneri and other members of the Fundulopanchax genus - amieti, arnoldi, fallax, filamentosum, mireabelis, puerzli, robertsoni, rubrolabialis, sjoedstedti, walkeri
Sexing: Males smaller than females at around 2" and very brightly colored especially the dorsal, pelvic and caudal fins. Females lack the flowing tail of the males as well as the bright colouring.
Breeding: Will breed readily in community or in a species tank. Spawning mops or Java Moss preferred for egg-laying. To ensure fry survival remove mops to a separate tank as the adults will eat them.
Author(s): Fishlady | Photo: Fishlady | Views: 37562
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