Honey Gourami
Alternative Name(s):
Scientific Name(s): Trichogaster chuna, Colisa chuna
Category: Tropical
Maximum Size: 5cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 60 litres
Minimum Tank Size: 24" x 12" x 12"
Water Temperature Range: 22-27°C
Water pH Range: 6.0-7.5
Water Hardness Range: 5-18 dGH

General Information: The Honey Gourami, the smallest Gourami is a member of the Belontiidae family originating in India and Bangladesh. It is a somewhat timid fish, less aggressive and territorial than the similar Dwarf Gourami and will spend much of its time in the mid and top water areas among floating plants, occasionally taking air from the surface. Honey Gourami come in an array of colours, standard colour is a gold/honey colour. Photo is of the Red Robin variety.
Tank Requirements: The tank should be well-planted and floating plants are greatly appreciated. Minimal water movement. A gap between the water surface and any condensation tray is necessary to allow the Honey Gourami to surface and breathe air occasionally
Diet Requirements: Honey Gourami aren't fussy eaters and will take good quality flake foods and algae wafers as well as small live and frozen foods which they are very fond of and occasional green vegetables.
Compatibility: Honey Gourami combine well with other small, peaceful community fish, but should not be mixed with other Gourami, Betta Splendens or too many additional top-dwelling fish.
Recommendations: Keep as a pair or as a small group with one male and two or three females. Not advisable to keep more than one male per tank unless large due to aggression between males when breeding.
Common Problems: Fortunately does not seem to suffer from Iridovirus which affects Dwarf Gourami, but there have been issues with dyed Honey Gourami from the Far East and associated health problems.
Similar Species: Dwarf Gourami (Colisa lalia)
Sexing: Males smaller & more colourful, turning vibrant orange with the front of the body deep blue/black in breeding condition. Females have a brown horizontal stripe which darkens when ready to breed.
Breeding: Relatively easy. Bubble nest breeder. Place pair in a small tank with shallow water, sponge filter and floating plants. Remove female after spawning and male after he has placed eggs in nest.
Author(s): Fishlady | Photo: Fishlady | Views: 39050
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