Dwarf Puffer
Alternative Name(s): Pygmy Puffer, Pea Puffer, Malabar Puffer
Scientific Name(s): Carinotetraodon travancoricus
Category: Tropical
Maximum Size: 3cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 45 litres
Minimum Tank Size: 18" x 12" x 12"
Water Temperature Range: 22-28°C
Water pH Range: 6.8-8.0
Water Hardness Range: 5-25 dGH

General Information: This is the smallest puffer in the family and is a FRESHWATER fish; brackish water will do more harm than good. One of the most fun fish to own.
Tank Requirements: Requires a stimulating, well planted environment with low water flow rate. Filter intakes must be fine grade and low pressure.
Diet Requirements: This fish is a carnivore and should not be fed flake food. Bloodworm should be its staple diet (live or frozen) with brine shrimp etc., being fed as an occasional treat. May not eat for a few days when first placed in the tank - get them started with live food. Snails should also be fed once a week. Can be very fussy eaters eating only live food! Frozen food has to seem alive so try and keep it suspended in the current. Should always be "jolly" and round looking.
Compatibility: Can be a very aggressive species and so should be kept in a species only tank. Limited success has arisen with other fish, notably Otocinclus, but not worth the risk. If more than one dwarf is in the tank each should have at least 5 gallons to define their territory.
Recommendations: Catch in a jug so as that they stay in water the whole time.
Common Problems: Scaleless fish so can be med sensitive. Can suffer from internal parasites transmitted from live snails (nematodes, trematodes, and metacarcaria). Starvation may occur if the fish chooses not to eat frozen food. Very sensitive to ammonia and nitrites and so should only be added to a mature tank. Dwarf Puffers need snails in their diet to wear away their beak.
Similar Species: Many puffers have similar characteristics.
Sexing: Very hard when they are young, males have wrinkles behind their eyes and have a dark line running down their belly. The female is much rounder than the male.
Breeding: Place in a breeding tank with a 2:1 female to male ratio. Ensure there is a lot of Java or Willow Moss in the tank. Normally only breed when really happy with their environment.
Author(s): Jaybird_91, Fishlady | Photo: | Views: 30579
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  • Home away from home


Forgot to add guys they seem to ignore 'ottos' dwarf catfish, they almost always go well together, they also help to keep the tank clean.



  • Home away from home

 Re: internal parasites

Hi. Just wondering if you know of a good UK treatment for internal parasites.
Thank you.

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