Jaguar Cichlid
Alternative Name(s): Aztec cichlid.
Scientific Name(s): Parachromis managuensis
Category: Cichlid
Maximum Size: 40cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 682 litres
Minimum Tank Size: 182cm x 60cm x 60cm
Water Temperature Range: 23-28°C
Water pH Range: 6.0-8.0
Water Hardness Range: 6-18 dGH

General Information: Jags are beautiful fish with a gold/yellowish background with black markings over the body. Males reach sizes up to 16" in length whereas females are typically 10". The Jag has a nasty reputation as being completely belligerent but in all honesty, it is rare to come across one that is truly belligerent and not just territorial. They will flare at intruders to get the message across but unless the other fish initiates combat rarely induces any drama given there is plenty of room in the tank.
Tank Requirements: Plenty of large rocks and wood with caves for female to hide in. Plants can be used but be ready for them to be dug up and thrown about. Floating plants on surface to give cover.
Diet Requirements: Generally a good quality cichlid pellet food. Frozen and live shrimp, prawns, bloodworm, crickets and other insects, earthworms, and tadpoles. Any fish meat cut into chunks.
Compatibility: Will see smaller fish as food. Can be aggressive when breeding and are always territorial. Male can be aggressive towards any female if the female doesn't want to breed when the male does.
Recommendations: Species tank only, 1 pair per tank, heavy polluter, use as much filtration as possible, more is better. Water changes are essential. If breeding, set temp to 28c.
Common Problems: Jaguars can get so stressed out that they will jump out of the tank so a good heavy cover is essential. Jaguars do suffer from Ich (White Spot) so keep a constant eye on water quality.
Similar Species: Parachromis motaguensis
Sexing: Females are smaller and more rounded, males have pointed dorsal and anal fins and generally more colour. A breeding pair must not be raised from the same brood.
Breeding: Male and female will clean a surface chosen for spawning. Eggs will be laid onto this surface and when the fry hatch they will be moved to spawning pits. Jaguars are excellent parents, up to 3000 eggs
Author(s): Anon, Goldy, Fishlady | Photo: Anon | Views: 21755
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