Freshwater Angelfish
Alternative Name(s):
Scientific Name(s): Pterophyllum scalare, P.altum, P. leopoldi
Category: Cichlid
Maximum Size: 15cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 160 litres
Minimum Tank Size: 36" x 18" x 15"
Water Temperature Range: 24-30°C
Water pH Range: 6.0-7.2
Water Hardness Range: 0-15 dGH

General Information: This distinctive cichlid is perhaps one of the most popular fish in the aquarium trade due to its characteristic shape and finnage as well as the broad range of colours and patterns available. The most frequently found in the aquarium trade is Pterophyllum scalare, with Pterophyllum altum and leopoldi much less frequently available. A tall tank is a must for these fish as overall finnage can top eight inches on fully grown specimens!
Tank Requirements: At least 18" high for adults, with heavy planting and slow water flow.
Diet Requirements: Angelfish are ambush predators so should be supplemented with a carnivorous diet as well as a good quality base of flake and cichlid pellets. Feed live food twice a week such as bloodworm etc.
Compatibility: Generally peaceful in community as single specimens or small groups. Will eat smaller fish such as Neons. Can be aggresive and territorial to their own kind especially during spawning. A well planted tank will help to alleviate tension.
Recommendations: Thrives in a heavily planted tank with slightly soft/acidic water. If introducing to a tank with small fish then introduce juvenile Angels. Feed a varied diet, be sure to include live food as a treat.
Common Problems: Fin rot, should not be kept with fin-nipping fish such as some barbs etc. Overfeeding is a common problem, Angelfish will eat whenever food is available and can build up unwanted fat and protein.
Similar Species: Angelfish are very easily identifiable. They share behaviour with many other cichlids, can develop higher "personalities" and can to an extent interact with their keepers
Sexing: Very difficult to sex accurately until the point where they are about to spawn. The breeding tubes of the female are slightly longer.
Breeding: Easy to breed in the right conditions, allow adults to pair off, they will lay eggs on slate/bogwood etc. Sadly their famed parental skills have been somewhat lost through excessive in-breeding.
Author(s): Goldnugget, Anon, Fishlady | Photo: | Views: 36344
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