Blue Acara
Alternative Name(s):
Scientific Name(s): Andinoacara pulcher
Category: Cichlid
Maximum Size: 15cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 140 litres
Minimum Tank Size: 48" x 15" x 12"
Water Temperature Range: 22-30°C
Water pH Range: 6.5-8.0
Water Hardness Range: 5-25 dGH

General Information: Typical SA cichlid from Venezuela, Colombia and Trinidad & Tobago. Regional differences in colour, from pale off-white blue, through to deep blue, all with vertical black stripes and blue iridescent spots. Some have a red top fin rim. Temperament is releatively peaceful for a mid-sized cichlid, but typically very territorial when breeding. Best kept as a mated pair - larger groups need much larger tanks.
Tank Requirements: Sandy substrate, bogwood, roots to which plants such as Anubias can be attached. Provide floating plants for cover. Plants that root into substrate are best avoided as this species will dig them up.
Diet Requirements: Primarily carnivorous, eating the usual frozen live foods, and cichlid pellets and commercial carnivore formulae. Fish pieces and large worms will be favourites.
Compatibility: Limited. Some are calm, especially when kept singly. Pairs are territorial particularly when breeding. Defuse aggression with large tanks and visual barriers. Can be kept with larger peaceful community fish, but will eat small fish.
Recommendations: Low stocking levels as they release chemicals into the water and monitor for those of others. They also tend to make water misty so overfilter and use carbon. They like plant cover, but rip them up so choose tough plants.
Common Problems: Intestinal protozoa and starvation on acclimatisation, heavy parasite loads in wild caught fish. Sensitive to deterioration in water quality, but aside from that, tough as old boots when well fed and kept properly.
Similar Species: Often confused with Green Terrors (larger species), and young Jack Dempseys, both of which are more aggressive than the Blue Acara.
Sexing: Male develop pointed dorsal and anal fins; females more rounded in appearance than males.
Breeding: Prolific. Will spawn every two weeks if eggs are removed. 300 eggs, about 28c. Fry are tiny and need aufwuchs. Eggs must be protected with antifungals. Fry sensitive to water changes for 2 weeks.
Author(s): Fishlady | Photo: | Views: 35121
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