Texas cichlid
Alternative Name(s): Rio Grande Perch
Scientific Name(s): Herichthys cyanoguttatus, Cichlasoma cyanoguttatus
Category: Cichlid
Maximum Size: 30cms
Minimum Tank Volume: 260 litres
Minimum Tank Size: 48" x 18" x 18" for 1
Water Temperature Range: 20-28°C
Water pH Range: 6.0-7.5
Water Hardness Range: 5-12 dGH

General Information: Stunning, large, but unfortunately persistently aggressive fish from Texas and Mexico. In every respect, an equal keeping challenge to that of an Oscar, and if anything a little shyer, yet more persecutory in their habits towards conspecifics and other species. Typically destroys aquarium decor, and can even be intolerant of the keeper. Blue to cream and browns, midbody spot, blue irridescent spots all over.
Tank Requirements: Tank size above for a single specimen, considerably larger (400 litres) for a pair or mixing with other species. Excavates frequently so rooted plants are a waste of time. Gravel, smooth rocks for spawning and bogwood/roots for decor. Good oxygenation and pristine water - rgular weekly partial changes of 25-50% essential.
Diet Requirements: Primarily carnivore but unfussy eater, though may sample formula foods intended for cichlids. Fish portions, shrimp, shellfish, and wormy foods plus some vegetable matter. Will eat smaller fish.
Compatibility: Don't do it! Compatible pairs only. These fish have a huge territorial area that will exceed the dimensions of any aquarium less than 6-7 feet long. They will persecute any fish in their territory, especially when paired.
Recommendations: Large aquaria, plentiful live/frozen foods and reserve meds for protozoan infections. Likes cover to feel secure despite the attitude, choose bogwood over plants and rocks.
Common Problems: Hexamita, water quality sensitivity, fungal infections if kept too warm. Aggression related injuries.
Similar Species:
Sexing: Females duller, males have small nuchal hump when sexually mature. Not easy with immature fish. Watch for behavioural cues, and signs of pairing.
Breeding: Flat rocks, 500 eggs, fry are guarded by rock clusters. Usual tiny foods, no special stimulus for breeding as long as adequate conditions are met.
Author(s): Fishlady | Photo: | Views: 14235
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