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Re: Compatibility of white clouds and guppies?

Subject: Re: Compatibility of white clouds and guppies?
by GabbyFord on 15/12/2016 4:27:00

I've found doing small, partial water changes throughout the day and keeping fans pointing towards the helps a lot.
And with my fishless cycle, I simply filled my tank with dechlorinated water, and everyday used a dose of beneficial bacteria and added a very small portion of fish food daily/once every 2 days. I even had ornaments in the tank from a previously cycled tank.
There was absolutely 0 progress for 4 weeks, no nitrites, no nitrates, only ammonia, and the ammonia just kept building up until it was 8ppm+ so I had to start doing water changes to lower it to an ideal level for cycling.
As soon as I added the fish it really did jump start the cycle.

All my fish in the past have had completely normal behaviour throughout and after the cycle. Never once did any of my fish ever show aggression, unusual swimming or unusual eating habits. All my fish get along incredibly well. The only time my fish have died is from ich, where I've used treatments but it hasn't worked. Otherwise my fish have never been affected in any observable way. A lot of people find fish-in cycles ethically wrong, but when done right without fail, the fish are perfectly fine.