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Re: Poorly shub

Subject: Re: Poorly shub
by fcmf on 12/9/2017 8:00:12

This is a difficult one as you're doing all that I would recommend (ie putting her into a QT with established filter media, trying bloodworm and shelled pea in the event that an internal 'blockage' was leading to her floating, aquarium salts). I'm assuming that water quality is fine (ie ammonia and nitrite at 0, nitrates low) and hasn't somehow unbeknowingly deteriorated?

It's possible that a broad-spectrum medication for bacterial infection (eg Waterlife Myxazin, eSHa 2000) might help but, with that reaction to Melafix, I'd be concerned she might have a similar/worse reaction to another medication - although perhaps giving it a try at half dosage is worth a go. I agree that, if your vet has expertise in dealing with fish, it's worth calling them for their views; let us know what they advise.